
The Dragon and The Onion Girl: Chapter 10 (edited)

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    And so, like any good fairytale this one needs an ending. Sadly in real life happy endings are incredibly rare and, once more, true stories don’t really end.  I think we can agree however, that the Black Dragon threw away his chance for a happy ending. As for our hero…

    Sprite opened his eyes.  The first thing he noticed was the sound of birds singing in the distance. His eyes adjusted as he turned over in bed to see a window with a thin beam of cool pale light streaming in from behind the curtains. The floor and ceiling were chiseled fine stone work with white and red tapestries on the walls.

    It was like something out of a dream and though he couldn’t quite put his finger on it, there was something familiar about the room he was in. Then all at once he remembered he wasn’t supposed to have fingers.

    Wide eyed he suddenly sat upright. His heart pounded in his chest as he looked down over his body. His human body. Even his claw was gone. Now it was just a hand.

    He flexed and felt his fingers, unwilling or unable to believe his own senses. Then something stirred in the corner of his eye and he realized he was not alone.

    It was her. Lorain had been seated beside the bed, and had fallen asleep with her head and arms draped by his lap.

    No this couldn’t be real, this had to be a dream. He could not dare to hope, and yet, there she was. He could hear her breathing.

    A faint breeze disturbed the curtains. It ruffled her hair and it carried the faint smell of Onions and perfume. He smiled and wondered how he could have ever not loved that smell. She stirred.

    “Sprite!” Lorain suddenly shouted with delight, as she flung herself up and embraced him. “You’re awake!?”

    A bit taken back by her antics, he chuckled, then returned the much-needed hug.

    The woman suddenly checked herself. “Sorry, I didn’t mean.” She said flustering over her words as she released her friend.

    Sprite only smiled at her thoughtfully then turned his attention back to the condition of his body. So many questions he wanted to ask and all he could manage was. “How…?” He trailed off completely lost for words.

    Fortunately for him she understood. “What’s the last thing you remember?” she asked.

    The warrior crossed his arms and closed his eyes as he tried to think. “I remember I was, fighting my father, the Baron. I removed the ward and… Everything suddenly got hot and, I” Sprite suddenly chuckled as the night before came rushing back to him. “A Dragon! He was going to hurt you. And I became a dragon.”

    Lorain took his hand and raising his head to look her in the eye he took it. After a while he smiled and dropped his gaze to his hands as he continued.

    “I died, Lorain. I know I did.” Lorain didn’t meet his eye as these words left his lips.

    “And then there was that man.”

    “A man!?” she asked “You mean Kelly?”

    “What?” he asked, honestly confused. “No. You see, when I died… This man came to me. He told me that my time had not yet come and…” Sprite trailed off as he tried to remember the strange dream. Lorain sat patiently and waited for him to recall his experience. Then, welling up from deep inside him, as if from a great distance the man’s last words echoed forth. “Well done.”

    They both sat quietly for a moment and considered what the dream might have meant. If in fact it did mean anything.

    Suddenly a thought occurred to him, and he turned and smiled at her. “You remembered my name” he said smugly.

    “What?” Lorain turned her head and gave him a confused look.

    “In the temple” he added. “Before my transformation, you called it out to me.”

    Lorain let out a light chuckle and nodded “Ah, that.” She remembered. “Yes, it's all come back to me.” She explained.

    The relief he felt at her words. It was like he could breathe again.

    “Actually, Sprite." she continued. "There is something I've been meaning to tell you since you woke.”

    "Hmm?" came his response.

    "Remember when you asked me about your mother?" she asked.


    "Well, I know what happened to her" she declared.

    "Wait, you said that when you awakened you didn’t get anything from her." he said almost accusingly.

    "That’s just it, Sprite." she explained "The Baron had lied to me about why my memories were gone. It wasn’t until last night, in the temple, when I truly awakened and got all my memories back." Lorain paused before adding "and learned of your mother."

    Sprites legs suddenly felt like jelly, and he promptly found the edge of the bed and sat.

    "Look Sprite." she explained, sitting down beside him. "I think it's important that you know I didn’t get a whole lot. Just a bunch of scattered images."

    "Lorain" he pleaded gently." Please, just tell me what you know."

    Before answering she closed her eyes and took in a breath. "After your father became human" she began and opened her eyes again. "Your mother and the vigilant took him away in the hopes of teaching him how to be human."

    Confused Sprite sat up to look her in the eye, and she looked back into his. Then he remembered his father's last words and suddenly he understood. "To teach him how to love." he finally answered.

    Lorain nodded. "Yes, and at first, they." She paused a moment to correct herself. "Your mother succeeded." She then turned her gaze downward and added “Sadly he was too afraid of his, now human mortality, and, well. There was an accident."

    Sprite raised an eyebrow, but Lorain just shook her head, and continued. "Shortly after he left, you were born."

    "Was there anything else?" he asked.

    "They did love each other. And I know your mother loved you."

    He couldn’t help but smile at that. Still, now he had more questions than ever "But why?" he started to ask.

    "Why what?" she asked sincerely.

    "Why me? Why my father?"

    She leaned back slightly and let out an exasperated sigh. "I'm not going to pretend that I have all the answers Sprite." She declared firmly before continuing. "I do however know this. Love is what ties us to the Great Spirit, and that through him, we are connected to each other. The dragons, on the other hand, severed that connection long ago. In a sense your father was given a second chance."

    "Love didn’t seemed to take with him." Sprite pointed out, grudgingly.

    "Maybe not" she admitted "but that was his choice. As for you." She leaned in and took his hand. "You changed everything."

    "You have opened a door that was long since shut, and not just for yourself."

    "What do you mean?" He asked.

    She gave him a wolfish smile. "Oh come on, you can't expect me to spoil the whole story, can you?"

    As they sat, everything that had happened to him, everything that the Great Spirit had done. It all suddenly made sense to him. His mother hadn't cursed his father with a human body. No, not cursed. Blessed. As Lorain said, the dragons had cut themselves off from love, and closed their hearts to all that would have been theirs.

    And yet. And yet his mother had honored the Black Dragon with a second chance. She had given his father a human soul and then. And then Sprite was born.

    Could it really be that simple though? He wondered silently.  Had his mother’s sacrifice truly saved him? Even if his father had rejected the gift, he hadn’t. He had fought for it. He had redeemed it.

    In the temple of the Spirit he had stood at the defense of the Empress, and resisted evil. Once more, he had acknowledged the love in his life and allowed it to lead him forward.

    He wondered if this had really put him right with the Spirit. If so then what did this mean for the Dragons? If love could redeem him then…Maybe.

    He needed to know. Sprite promptly pushed back the sheets and rolled out of bed. A bit confused, Lorain merely sat and watched as the young warrior walked over to the fire place. The coals were still hot and glowing from the night before.

    Lorain was about to ask him what was wrong when he suddenly reached in a hand and scooped up a handful of hot coals. The girl shrieked darting from her chair and rushing to his aid.

    In hindsight I think we can all agree that what Sprite did was really dumb. After all he had no reason to think that he was still fireproof. Despite Lorain's shock and surprise his hand was indeed unharmed.

    As she came over Sprite tossed the coals back into the grate and they both stood and stared at the pale undamaged skin.

    Let out a deep sigh, he let his hand fall. Before it could, Lorain caught it and held it tightly in her own.

    “Are you ok?” she asked.

    “Yeah. I… I just needed to know.”

    “Are you sure?”

    The warrior took in a deep breath before letting it stream out again between his teeth.

    “It’s not what I wanted, but I’m content.”

    Almost on cue, the door to the room suddenly opened and in stepped a tall looking man in uniform. Then Sprite blinked when he recognized the captain from yesterday.

    Isaac approached and gave a slight bow to the empress before turning to face the warrior. “If you are feeling well enough, the king has requested your presence.

    It was so unexpected, all Sprite managed to get out was “What?”

    The captain repeated his message and Sprite glanced from Lorain back to the captain, however when he didn’t move the man added “May I speak openly with you sir?”

    Again the captain’s words threw the warrior off. Fortunately Sprite was recovering. “Of course.” He answered.

    The soldier nodded. “I owe you an apology. To the both of you.” He added glancing from the warrior to Lorain then back to Sprite, before continuing. “Shortly after you charged in after the empress, my men and I had to round up and hold off what remained of the enemy soldiers.”

    The captain then explained how, after they saw Sprite take down the giant in the courtyard, some of the enemy broke rank and ran. Though not all. Some still resisted.

    The captain stumbled over his words as he then added. “Shortly after the fighting started to die down we heard a loud noise come from inside the temple and then the great door suddenly closed. Me and my men tried to get the doors open again, but we lacked the strength and some of us feared that some kind of magic held it fast.”

    The captain then turned so that he was facing Lorain and bowed his head. “A thousand pardons my lady. I failed you as well and I fear it is not the first time.”

    “You have not failed me” consoled Lorain “Rather you have shown yourself to be a man worthy of his station.” She returned the bow and added. “I am grateful for you and your men’s loyalty.”

    Sprite saw the captain blush at her words and he thought he now understood why they loved her so much.

    The captain thanked her. Then lifted his head and turned back to Sprite. “I and my men are forever in your debt, for keeping her ladyship safe.”

    The man then recomposed himself then added. “I’m sorry. We have kept the king waiting.” Isaac then gestured for the door. “Please.”

    And so with Lorain at his side the young warrior was led from his room through the upper halls of the cathedral. Some of the winding passages he recognized from when he broke in to meet the empress a few days ago. The thought made him smile.

    The king was in the great hall just above the chapel. It was apparently lunchtime for as the three of them walked in the king raised a hand and waved to them through a mouthful of soup. He was sitting at the far end of one of the great tables.

    “Hello my daughter and a Good morning to you my son.” The king greeted them in turn before inviting them to sit beside him.

    Lorain greeted the king warmly as they accepted his offer. Sprite on the other hand couldn’t bring himself to speak at all.

    Once they were all seated and the food laid out in front of them, the king turned to Sprite and said. “You are Sprite, correct? I remember you from my rescue.”

    Sprite opened his mouth to answer but nothing came out. So he nodding a bit sheepishly instead.

    “Our captain has done nothing but sing praise about you and your valiant rescue of our beloved daughter.” Continued the king. “The entire kingdom is in your debt.”

    Sprite blushed and inclined his head.

    “Our beloved tells me that you are from the Western mountains?” asked the king.

    “Yes, your majesty.” The warrior managed.

    “and what do you think of our humble city?”

    “It’s” Sprite hesitated as he searched for the right words. “Very big” he almost said. What he actually said was “quite beautiful.”

    “I’m glad you think so.” The king folded his hands and smiled. “Well then, my boy. I have a bit of a favor to ask.” The old man hesitated before continuing. “It may have escaped your notice but I am in fact really old.” Lorain fought back a chuckle at this. “As such I have no children of my own. For a while now I have been considering finding a successor to passing the position over to, however after what you did…” the king halted then started again. “What I’m trying to say is I would like to make you my hair.”

    Sprite couldn’t believe his ears. I doubt even you would have, after receiving such a proclamation. In the end the only response he could muster was “Sir!?”

    “He wants to adopt you Sprite.” Explained Lorain, sounding amused by his slow upkeep.

    “I. Sir!?” Sprite stumbled over his words as he tried to think up an intelligible answer “Your highness, I thank you for your hospitality and your praise but I fear I am deserving of neither.”

    The king raised an eyebrow as Sprite continued. “I am glad I was able to help but I had my own reasons for confronting the Baron.” The warrior knew what he had to do but still he hesitated. Taking in a deep breath he told the king about his mother and how the Baron was his father. He also told the king about the hot coals in his room and explained that there was more than a good chance that he would eventually, weather he wanted to or not, become a dragon again. “As such. He continued. “It is more than feasible that I will live for hundreds, maybe even thousands of years. I do not think it would be wise for a king such as that to rain for so long. Do you?” he asked.

    For a while the king was silent as he digested Sprites words. The warrior couldn’t help but notice that Sir Isaac was also having to struggle with this new information.

    After a minute or two of silence, the king finally stirred and answered “That does change some things, however my offer still stands.”

    “But…” Sprite started to speak but the king cut him off.

    “You are right in saying that a king should not rule forever however a kingdom under worthy rule flourishes and from what you’ve just told me it would be within your power to maintain such prosperity for hundreds or thousands of years.”

    “I suppose I could, if I was worthy, but surely you do not think I am.”

    “You are a Vigilant, sworn to the service of the kingdom, and from what my daughter tells me and from what I have seen of your character I am even more certain. Even more so now that you twice have tried to humbly refuse the honor. Unlike your father, you have shown that you are not drawn to power. Also unlike your father, you put others before yourself. Also, and most importantly you have been chosen by the Spirit.”

    Sprite blinked twice in surprise. “What!?”

    “Last night the Great Spirit came to me in a vision. He spoke of your honor and told me that it was your task to lead our kingdom forward.”

    Sprite looked from the king to Lorain. She smiled and nodded but said nothing. He didn’t know what to do, or what to say. He didn’t want this responsibility. Even if the king was right. For a while no one spoke and they left Sprite to his thoughts. Eventually though he took in a deep breath and let it out slowly before answering. “Very well. If you’re sure, and if it is the will of the Great Spirit then…” Sprite could not believe what he was saying. It took him no small amount of effort to continue. “I accept.”

    The king suddenly relaxed as a smile brightened across his face. Lorain jumped clapping wildly then rushed over and hugged him.

    And so that was that. The king adopted Sprite, and Sprite was now doomed go rediscovered the stresses of education.

    However before that phase of his life began, there was still the matter of the captured enemy soldiers, and the funeral.

    As for the Orlesian soldiers, later that evening the king held a council in order to determine what to do with those who had set themselves up as Eden’s enemy. After several hours and with the Empresses approval, the king agreed to show mercy and had them all sent home to their country in Orley. The same was done for the soldiers who betrayed Eden, they too would be banished to Orley. Furthermore the king allowed them to take their families with them, if they chose. However once they left, there would be no returning.

    The next day after the council finally adjourned it was now time to honor those who had given their lives for their home.

    Nearly the entire kingdom came. Not least of all Sprite and Lorain. After all, they had both lost their home and they had both lost their family. To anyone looking in it would appear that they were alone. However you and I both know the truth. The Kingdom of Eden had accepted them both with open arms. They had a new family, they had each other, and even though they couldn’t always feel his presence they had the loving guidance of the Great Spirit pushing them forward toward a future.

     Late that night one the processions finally ended and the funeral bells stopped ringing everyone was tired and went to bed. That is except for Sprite. That night he sat cross-legged on the balcony and once again attempted the trance his teacher had taught him so long ago.

    The night was quiet. The breeze warm. Sprite inhaled once drinking it all in when the faint hint of onions distracted him. Opening his eyes he turned to see Lorain standing behind him in the doorway. He wondered how long she had been standing there, and realized that his senses were not as sharp as they used to be, and he tried not to let it bother him.

    “Sorry.” She spoke. “Did I wake you?”

    The warrior smiled. “You know I wasn’t asleep”

    “Mind if I join you?” she asked and was already seated beside him before he could answer. “I remember the last time you sat like that” she added and rested her head on his shoulder. “You spent weeks trying to pass Greta’s test.”

    “I still haven’t” he admitted.

    Lorain gave a slight dip of her head in acknowledgment though she said nothing. Which was strange for her. For a while they both just sat and basked in each other’s company.

    “Will you marry me?” she abruptly asked.

    The hairs on the back of Sprites neck all suddenly stood on end. After everything that had happened in the last few days you would think he would be ready for anything. Just yesterday he was named next in line for the throne of Eden. Much like before all that come out of his mouth was “What!?”

    The Empress lifted her head to look him in the eye and very plainly restated the question as though it was the most normal thing to ask in the world. Again Sprite was at a loss for words.

    Lorain had to struggle not to laugh at the look on his face. “I know you wanted to get married before.” She explained. “And I know it’s not very traditional for me to ask the question but, you were taking too long.”

    Sprite was about to start making excuses but as always Lorain was too quick. “I know you Sprite. Not only do you seem to be under the strange delusion that you are unworthy of me or something like that…” She spoke in an almost mocking tone as she continued. “But this time your sense of honor is kind of getting in the way right now.”

    “But…” he started to say however she cut him off again.

    “No buts, Sprite. And I don’t care about the whole dragon thing either. You have kept me and everyone else waiting long enough and it's beginning to grate on my nerves.” Lorain crossed her arms grumpily then added “I want and answer Sprite, and I want it now!”

    Sprite couldn’t believe what was happening. For the second time in two days he was faced with yet another decision that would change his life forever. This time, despite his hesitation, he knew exactly what to say.”

    “Yes.” he found himself saying. As he did he found his heart doing somersaults and he couldn’t help but smile.

    She Smiled back. “Good” she let out a sigh of contentment and lowered her head back onto his shoulder and promptly fell asleep.

    Sprite almost laughed. It didn’t matter that he had known her since childhood. Somehow she always managed to surprise him with her antics.

    For the time being he went back to his trance and for the rest of the night her rhythmic breathing kept time with his own.

    The next morning Lorain woke. Sprite on the other hand hadn't actually fallen asleep. He didn’t realize it at the moment because he was quite suddenly put to work and very promptly overwhelmed with studies. However, during those studies, it suddenly occurred to him that last night he had somehow managed to perform the night trance. It’s a good thing had, or else he would have been much too tired for school. The poor young man was assigned no less than fifteen tutors. Sure he may have been skilled in the sword and horsemanship, and he wasn’t too bad with his letter or math, however he really had to struggle when it came to politics, etiquette, and economics. His favorite class however, were the lessons led by the kindly old king himself those meetings were very different from his usual classes. Every day around dinner time the king would pull him aside and they would walk together on the castle grounds.

    The kings lectures would sound something like “To be named King.” The old man began. ”An honor it may be, but you are right in not taking it lightly. True the king has authority, however he also sits under the authority of his crown.” The next day it was “A king is a servant to the people and his responsibility is to the needs of his people.” And the day after that. “As a great king before me once said, being king means being the first in every desperate charge, and being last in every desperate retreat. He also said that it means showing gratitude for a scanty meal while the rest of your kingdom goes hungry.” Regardless of the amount Sprite was a quick learner.

    For almost two years that was his life. However it was right about that time when the preparations for the wedding had begun. As well as the crowning ceremony. It was the king's idea to have Sprite made king as soon as he finished his studies. Lorain on the other hand, insisted on holding off their marriage until Sprite was named king. In truth her hope was that this arrangement would motivate the young scholar through his studies. And like always she was right. What she hadn’t counted on, however was him finishing so quickly. It would seam he was more than just eager.

    Like the day Sprite had first come to Eden the streets were once again completely packed. Everyone had come to attend their empresses wedding and to meet their new king. Sprite had never been so nervous in his life. He had also never been so happy.

    He stepped forward. The music started, the doors opened and he proceeded from the east side of the chapel to the middle terrace. Lorain likewise walked from the west wing of the chapel and met him in the middle were the king waited for the both of them.

    Sprite had been so heavily decorated with gold and tassels that he would have felt ridiculous had he not be far too elated to notice. Fortunately for him, most of the onlookers had their eyes locked on Lorain. Including Sprite.

    Her dress was pearl white with gold trim, and it flowed behind her like liquid silk. None in that room could have mistaken her for anything but an Empress. Sprite hardly recognized her dressed like that. Even the smell of onions was heavily muted by the scent of rose petals which trailed behind her.

    After a resounding finale, the music stopped and the bride and groom now stood on either side of the king. The king in his usual manner addressed the crowd.

    “My dear people we are gathered here on this momentous day to honor the union of our beloved empress, and the hero who single handedly rescued her from the hands of evil, as well as assisted in the liberation of our city. Never can we repay such a debt. Though...” The king turned and smiled at the young warrior. “I think I speak for everyone when I say we will never cease in our efforts to do so. As such there is another matter of great importance which needs attending too. Namely one of succession.” The king then turned to Sprite and removed his crown. “My beloved people. It has been a delight and pleasure to have served you these past fifty years. However as my time in this world draws near its end, the honor of naming the one who will rule in my absence now lies before me.”

    The king then turned to Sprite and instructed him to knee. And so the warrior found himself kneeling before both The Empress and the king.

    Then in a clear voice that everyone could hear, the king addressed the young warrior, saying “You have a long journey ahead of you. Though you will surely rain for many years the day will come when you are called to choose a successor. Then your new test will be to step aside and guide the new king.” The king then paused in order to allow Lorain to speak her part.

    “However the duty of a King does not end for as long as he lives.” Explained Lorain. “It is the duty of a king to continue to watch over and serve our kingdom even after he no longer wears a crown.”

    After a few more lines spoken by them both the king then presented the golden crown to Lorain, who then had Sprite recite his oaths. Once they were done the Empress then placed the crown on his head. The crowd cheered as their new king rose, and then cheered once more when the matter of the wedding was brought up again.

    It was then that the old king read them their vows. Though when the matter of rings came up, Sprite instead produced the gold amulet which had belonged to his mother. Only it wasn’t an amulet any more. Without telling Lorain, Sprite had the necklace re-forged into a beautiful golden ring. The large amber diamond, which had once been the centerpiece of the amulet, was now set into the head of engagement ring.

    "Like this ring, my heart has, and always will belong to you." He whispered to the onion girl, as he then took her hand and slipped it on her finger.

    Lorain could not help but blushed, as there, in front of all those witnesses, the two of them, both new Empress and King of Eden, became wed. The kingdom had entered a new and golden age.

    Those first few years for Sprite were by far the toughest of his life. He was not quite used to having so many people depend on him. The people of Eden however, loved their new king. In truth, they regarded him as quite the gentle soul. Few found this surprising as the young king spent much of his free time walking, and talking, amongst those he served. I think its safe to say that he, in turn, grew to love them all like family.

    Then everything changed for Sprite once again. Only after three years of being king of Eden, Sprite learned that Lorain was pregnant. Seven months later she gave birth to a healthy baby boy. Sprite had never been more proud or scared in his entire life.

    Yet alas, the piece he had achieved in his life could not last.

    The Orlesian’s had once again set themselves against Eden. Their armies marched forth and the land was once again threatened by war.

    This however was just the beginning of the young king's troubles. For now on the brink of war, Sprite could once again feel the burning of his father’s blood in his veins. He knew it only to be a matter of time before he once again had wings and a tail.

    This time however, Sprite did things very different. He did not attempt to hide his draconic heritage from his friends or family, and news of his fate soon reached even his people. What surprised the young king the most however was their reaction when they learned the truth.

    Instead of rioting or pitchforks, instead of being shunned as a monster, they all stood by him and tried to comfort him as his time drew near.

    Regardless of their understanding, Sprite still resisted the inevitable change. However he could not do so indefinitely. It was on the eve of battle when he kissed his beloved farewell and finally surrendered his human form.

    Accompanied by Isaac and ten of his best warriors, they road to meet the Orlesian army, before it had even reached the border. It was then that the king finally gave in to his change and took to the skies.

    I wish you could have seen it. Sprite gave such a great display of power and might that the Orlesian’s all quaked in their armor as he flew out to meet them.

    Soon after that the war was over. While flying overhead Sprite managed to pick out and abduct their own King. Apparently they weren't expecting their ruler to get snatched right off his horse by a dragon, and taken to a nearby mountain, to have a very one sided conversation. After the Orlesian king surrendered Sprite agreed to let the king return to his army, provided they returned home immediately. The Orlesian King had little complaint about this arrangement. However, now once again, a great choice now lay before Sprite. The young king had intended to pass the crown to Isaac after the battle was over, however the man refused. In fact, before they returned, Isaac gave a rather long and sentimental speech in front of the men about the burdens of a king, and how Sprites was not yet over. He almost made Sprite cry in front of his men.

    Isaac, was not the only one who thought this way and neither was the soldiers. Upon our heroes return, Sprite could hear his name being chanted from within the walls.

    “Long live Sprite. Long live the Dragon King.”

    Over and over again they repeated this line as the young dragon soared over their heads and landed in the courtyard. True some were a bit startled at his sudden appearance and many hesitated to approach as a dragon, even one so beloved, is a rather intimidating thing to behold.

    A minute later the crowd parted and the dragon caught the faint odor of onions as the Emperess stepped forward with their child in her arms.

    The young dragon dipped his head low so as to be eye level with his family. Lorain stepped forward, a look of love and wonder in her eyes. The child in her arms stirred in his wrappings and reached up toward the towering Sprite.

    He leaned in and felt as his child reached out and touched him on the snout. The crowd again cheered. The chilled laughed, and Lorain smiled.

    What a strange sight it must have been too see.


    -The End-

This is the Story of the Dragon and the Onion Girl(Formally titled, The Dragon King). Unlike most stories, this story is also a Fable, which means that it is a story intended to teach a lesson. I know what you’re thinking. What could I possibly teach that anyone couldn’t just find for themselves elsewhere? I answer, anything worth learning is worth learning the right way. Often that means through experience, or in this case example.

    This is not an attempt at romance however, romance is present within the story. This story is however, an attempt to answer the age old question “What is love.” There are many stances that have been held regarding this question. Some say it is a feeling or emotion. Some say that it is just our brains tricking us into coming together to make a family. While some, even go as far as to say that it is a God.

    Whatever the case, no one has had the same experience with the phenomenon known as love, and I would argue that this accurse in the same way that no two relationships have ever been the same. Another thing I would argue is that, no matter your opinion of its shape, that no one can deny the existence of love without first casting doubt on existence itself. You see, for me, whenever I have experience this love or whenever I have seen it, there was no denying it. It is and has always been imperialistic in nature and yet outside of everything I understood about the world. Over time I have learned that if any truth exists in this world it is that love is the one thing you can always turn too. So I ask: What is Love? This is the question that has bogged down mankind for hundreds of years. It is this question that inspires every word I write. Walk with me, and let us see if we can find the answer. Let us see if we can find truth.


Jeremy Burner

Bowie State University, 2015



This children's book will be taken down for publishing

as soon as I am finished writing, proofing, and editing.

Any and all criticism is welcome as it will not only help

me push out my chapters faster but also keep the pages

 up for as long as they need fixing.

If you manage to find any errors
or typos or plot holes in the script
or have any questions about the
story in general please let me know
in the response below.

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The Dragon and the Onion Girl: Chapter 1  This story begins just like any good fairytale.  It begins A Long Time ago, in a faraway kingdom, in a land much like our own. Also like any good story, this one has a hero. In particular, a boy going by the name of Sprite. Only, he isn’t quite a hero yet, and he will have to do quite a bit of growing up before he can properly earn that title.
    This boy lived in a small mountain village, far north from any real cities or large crowds of people. The houses in that village were made of brick and wood, much like any houses should. However these houses where much more flimsy, and some where even thatched, which if you don’t know, is nothing more than hay piled neatly on top of a house to make a roof. What’s more each person who lived in these houses had either built it themselves, or had help from their neighbors. As you might have guessed from looking at such houses, the village hasn’t been there vary long. In fact, it didn
   The Dragon and The Onion Girl: Chapter 10    The young warrior staggered toward the unmoving form of the woman who had raised him.  His trembling hand no longer possessed the strength to even hold his blade and it clattered to the floor. Dropping to his knees and took her in his arms. I can't even begin to describe how he felt. There are not even words. And yet, the sadness and self-loathing could not compare to the unholy rage which consumed him.
    Lorain gave another kick at the Barron who twisted her wrist in an attempt to subdue her.
    Eyes locked on his enemy Sprite lay the now still form of his teacher down and with his left hand closed her eyes. With his right hand he retrieved his blade.
    With the barons back turned the warrior charged forward blade down.
    In less than three bounds he was at the water's edge and he leaped. With that single bound he sailed through the air and aimed at the Barron’s he

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